This is the reimagining worlds without whiteness podcast.

WHITENESS has not always been around. We hope it won’t always be around. How do we go from worlds where whiteness has taken deep root to glimmers of worlds without it?

Whiteness is like an invasive weed. We see the ways it is harming us, as white people and as people of color. Do you know how it is harming you? Do you know what you can do about it? Join us as we weave together our stories about seeing whiteness, uprooting whiteness, composting whiteness, and ultimately planting what’s next. And do you know what the “what’s next” requires? Imagination.

Podcast Inspiration

I often feel I am trapped inside someone else’s imagination, and I must engage my own imagination in order to break free.
— adrienne maree brown

Season 1 was inspired by conversations with 26 co-researchers (12 people of color and 14 white people; ages 21 to 73) from the U.S. and Europe who came together for a Reimagining Whiteness community study.

The podcast is currently in post-production. Coming June 2025. For a sneak peek, here is the podcast trailer and see below for a look ahead at the season 1 episodes.

Podcast episodes

  • Episode 001 - sparking conversations

    It all began with a conversation. Twenty-six co-researchers from the U.S. and Europe - ages 21 to 73, white people and people of color - came together for a conversation. Whiteness has not always been around. We hope it won’t always be around. How do we go from worlds where whiteness has taken deep root to glimmers of worlds without whiteness? From our conversations emerged a possible four-stage path. What is that path?

  • Episode 002 - Seeing Whiteness

    An important step in this reimagining work is seeing whiteness. What is whiteness? How do we define it? How do we see it? Whiteness itself is not an ancestor. Whiteness is not that old. It started as a seed. As an idea in someone else’s imagination. In less than 600 years that seed has sprouted and grown and proliferated across the globe like an invasive weed. How has it taken root in our lives?

  • Episode 003 - Uprooting Whiteness

    Another important step in this work is uprooting whiteness. Internalized whiteness can be likened to an invasive weed that has taken root inside many of us - in the way we think, and act, and feel. And like invasive weeds do, it displaces aspects of ourselves. We see the ways that whiteness is harming us, as white people and as people of color. What are ways that we’ve been able to uproot whiteness in our worlds?

  • Episode 004 - Composting Whiteness

    The concept of composting whiteness comes from the work of fellow researcher, JJ Fiore. It was inspired by the compost politics work of our professor and posthumanist philosopher, Báyò Akómoláfé. Composting whiteness has an alchemical and transformative quality to it. What does composting whiteness mean? How are we composting whiteness in our lives?

  • Episode 005 - Planting New Worlds

    Many anti-racism trainings focus on seeing and uprooting whiteness. Here, we’re looking at what’s next. Once whiteness has been seen, uprooted, and composted, what are we planting? What’s next? According to one co-researcher, “Sometimes it’s hard for us to imagine what something could look like if we don’t have an example of it.” What’s next requires imagination. How are we reimagining worlds without whiteness?

  • Future Episodes

    Join us in future episodes as we share our conversations with you. Conversations that we hope will spark conversations of your own. Our understanding and imaginings continue to evolve and unfold even as we speak. As people of color, we share stories of reimagining therapy and reimagining multi-racial identities. As white people, we share stories of what it means to have roots deeper than whiteness and how reclaiming ancestral roots can be an anti-racist practice. And so much more.

about the host

I’m your host, Hana Truscott.

I’m a storyteller, researcher, and podcaster. I’m also a PhD candidate in Depth Psychology with a specialization in Community, Liberation, Indigenous, and Ecological Psychologies at Pacifica Graduate Institute. This podcast emerged from a Reimagining Whiteness community study that I conducted in summer 2023 as part of my M.A./Ph.D. program. The study reflected the curiosities of where I was at on my 20+ year anti-racism journey at the time as a white, U.S. American woman working at the intersection of the intercultural competence and diversity, equity, and inclusion fields and seeking decolonial next steps. What is being planted and growing and emerging in those small clearings of land within our heads, hearts, bodies, souls, relationships, and systems where whiteness is being uprooted and composted? What is being planted and growing in the place of whiteness? What are the pluriversal actualities already taking root?

For the purpose of this study, I convened 26 co-researchers through a focus group and interviews. They are people I met throughout 40 years of life, work, school, and service and with whom I wanted to learn. Now, we share our conversations and stories with you through this podcast.

“This is pluriversal possibility in action.”

-D.G., podcast co-researcher