reawakening roots

A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.
— Marcus Garvey

I am walking two roads. The road forward leads back, and the road back leads forward.

There are stories within me longing for life. stories of reawakening ancestral roots as antiracist practice and STORIES OF reimagining new worlds. but those stories can’t just be told, they must first be lived.

Hi, I’m Hana T.

I am walking two roads. The road forward is leading me back through history to research, reawaken, and re-member my European ancestral roots and stories, and confront my settler-colonial lineages. As I journey back, the road back leads forward to a reimagined future through storytelling.

As I heed the ancestral call to journey back to the ancestral lands, places, cultures, and languages of my ancestors through embodied research, I am called to share stories. My form of storytelling is creative historical non-fiction through a decolonial lens. My life purpose is to research and write a book for each of my three European lineages honoring a journey of reawakening roots as a healing and anti-racist practice for each of them. It involves facing the settler-colonial legacies of harm caused and harm endured. I’m on that path.

In the meantime, I’m sharing what I’m learning through my Reawakening Ancestral Roots as Anti-Racist Practice doctoral research, Reimagining Worlds podcast, and a storytelling portfolio that serves as a map for where I’ve been and how much I’ve grown.

hana truscott


Hana is the host of the Reimagining Worlds podcast. Season 1 - Reimagining Worlds Without Whiteness - is based on research conducted with 26 co-researchers from the U.S. and Europe during her M.A. in Depth Psychology.

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Hana is a PhD candidate in Depth Psychology specializing in Community, Liberation, Indigenous, and Eco-Psychologies. Her current research explores reawakening ancestral roots as anti-racist practice.

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Hana is a storyteller, descended from a line of storytellers. She has 21 years of experience in 23 countries co-creating stories as a writer, editor, illustrator, travel blogger, publisher, and cross-cultural facilitator.

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“the stories we tell about our lives shapes what we’re able to imagine, and what we can imagine determines what we can do. my job is to change the stories we tell. […]

Because once we truly imagine it, the pull to create it becomes irresistible.”

Aurora Levins Morales